3 Benefits of Life Insurance for Women

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It's not an exaggeration, women also need life insurance, either when they act as breadwinners or career women or when they act as housewives for those who are married. So if you are a woman, from now on you must know that it is important for you to consider the existence of life insurance as an important financial foundation. To be clearer, let's look at the following benefits of life insurance for women (women):

1. Protect family financial risk

 Nowadays it is very common for women to act as breadwinners for both their children and husbands or to support their parents, brothers or sisters. If you are currently acting as a career woman and supporting the family's economy, having life insurance will be very beneficial for you and your family, where you fulfill their needs.

With you working and generating income, there is an economic value that needs to be protected with life insurance. So, if one day you are no longer able to generate income due to a permanent absence such as passing away, the family you have been supporting does not need to lose financial support. The sum insured from life insurance that protects you can be disbursed and can be a provision for the family you leave behind to continue living. Here life insurance plays a role in reducing the financial risk faced by a family.

2. Support healthy financial management

Building healthy finances is an important condition that needs to be realized so that the dream of achieving financial freedom can be achieved. There are several main characteristics of healthy finances. Among other things, the adequacy of an emergency fund is a minimum of 6 times the value of monthly expenditures, a normal debt load of a maximum of 30% of routine income, has adequate protection with insurance and has sufficient investment to anticipate future needs.

Thus, if you want your finances to be always healthy, the existence of life insurance is very important. Life insurance helps you reduce the risk of financial loss that may occur due to conditions that can shake financial stability.

3. Make financial plans more focused

 Everyone certainly has various financial plans to create a better future. For example, plans to collect pension funds so that old age can be spent comfortably and prosperously, financial plans for children's education funds, year-end holiday financial plans and so on.

In order for these financial plans to run well and be able to deliver you to the target, of course there are many things that must be fulfilled. For example, you need to regularly invest in the right instrument until the target funds you want to achieve are collected. These financial plans can run with focus when you first have protection against various financial risks. Life insurance helps you protect your family's finances from the risk of loss, so that when an incident occurs that has a financial impact, the financial plan that you have run can still run.

Those are 3 important benefits of life insurance for women. If you already know the amount of life insurance benefits, there is no reason to delay, right? Come on, complete family protection with life insurance!
For additional purpose this article are translate to english.

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